My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters

Since I could remember, I have always been a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise due to my brother buying and playing all the games. Below are some of my favorite characters.

1. Lightning

Best Girl right here. Since the moment I first saw her in FF XIII, I fell in love with her due to her independent personality.

2. Nyx Ulric

Before you say anything, yes I know that he is a character from the Kingsglaive movie and was not actually in the game, but if you paid close attention, there is a short cameo and it is also possible to get his daggers. Also he was an important character in Kingsglaive because he sacrificed himself so Luna can escape with the ring and save Insomnia. So don't you dare say that Nyx does not deserve a spot on my list. 

3. Tifa Lockhart

Tifa is another empowering female character in the franchise that I look up to. I could really relate to her shyness and empathy.

4. Vincent Valentine

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Let me just say, Vincent has one of the coolest character designs in my opinions. And also I'm a sucker for dark and brooding characters.

5. Lulu

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If you haven't noticed yet, I like characters who are reserved and keep their motions in check (*cough* like Vincent and Lightning *cough cough*). I also like her motherly side as she acts as a mentor and protector to Yuna.

6. Moogles

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How can I have a list of favorite characters and not include moogles. Yes, Moogles are a race, not a specific character; but I don't care. They're cute and I love them.


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