My Hero Academia: Pro Hero Arc

Many people have been complaining about the Pro Hero arc (also known as Endeavor's redemption arc) in My Hero Academia. People say that this dude does not deserve forgiveness and are so angry towards the mangaka that they sent death threats to him. Death threats over a fictional character! Can you believe it? 

For those of you who don't read or watch My Hero Academia, Endeavor is one of the top Pro-Heroes. Although he is at the top, he isn't exactly the most kindest. He is a narcissistic and abusive man who doesn't really care about others and would do anything to become the #1 pro-hero. As a result, he abuses his own family; pushing his wife to the brink of insanity, neglecting his 3 older children, and abusing his youngest son (my poor baby).

Throughout the arc, we see Endeavor trying to right his past doings by being the best hero he can be and almost sacrificing himself to save the city. We also have scenes with Endeavor's family, where it seems that they forgive him for what happened in the past and believe he is changing.

Unlike others, I happened to enjoy this arc very much. While Endeavor is a pretty messed up guy, we have to admit that the dude is pretty skilled (makes sense why he was #2 and now #1 hero) and I enjoyed the fight scenes in the arc. I also like the idea where the family is willing to put things in the past; it doesn't mean they are willing to forget the pain, but that they are willing to forgive (forgive not forget). Although this guy has done a lot of bad stuff to his family, it doesn't mean he can't change his attitude towards them for the future. I prefer a character who is willing to admit their faults and try to fix them rather than a character who just stays a complete a-hole for the rest of his life.

Also, there were other things that made this arc pretty cool, such as seeing the recently introduced pro hero Hawks in action. Hawks has officially become one of my favorite characters in this series, especially when given his backstory. Another thing that made me excited was seeing the villain, Dabi, towards the end of the arc. That fight between him and Endeavor just strengthened my faith in the Dabi is a Todoroki theory. Please Horikoshi, just confirm this theory already. My heart can't take it.


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