NieR: An Underrated Game

Image result for nier gestalt 
We always hear about gaming franchises such as Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Bayonetta, and Persona; but we never hear about NieR. It's is saddening that this hidden gem has not yet hit the mainstream media.
Nier first came out in 2010 in Japan. NieR Gestalt was released for the Xbox 360, while Nier Replicant was released for the Play Station 3. If you're wondering why there are two different names for potentially the same game; well they're not exactly the same. Nier Replicant follows a younger main character, while Gestalt follows an older main character. And another version was being developed to combine the two, but it was unfortunately cancelled in 2011. While many criticized the horrible and bland graphics, they also praised the plot, music, and voice acting. And I have to agree with the others. Although the graphics were pretty bad, the beautiful soundtrack, great voice-acting, and emotional story made this game my favorite. Also, with 4 different endings, it encourages me to play even more to unlock all of them.
Then in early 2017, a sequel called NieR:Automata was released. Just like the first games, Automata has a beautiful soundtrack, amazing plot and likeable characters. The game also has multiple endings (26 to be exact); some offer a different perspective to the story while others are made more for jokes and wouldn't really be considered canon. 
I highly recommend to check this franchise out if you haven't already.


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